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Matt Waymont

Learning Consultant

'I learned a lot! Thanks for everything.'

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We Understood The Adecco Group's Needs

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A final programme to wrap up the IFL journey

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Support the programme design & delivery

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Implementation of the 2-module programme

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95% Overall Satisfaction

Post-programme survey results of all participants

What Did It Entail?

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60 participants across 3 cohorts attended the programme

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Each cohort attended 2 modules, each packed with theory, tools, examples & tasks.

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Each cohort completed the programme across 2 weeks.

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The Adecco Group created a highly successful International Future Leaders programme that had been running for a number of years. In 2022, it underwent its biggest update in its history, changing the structure and bringing in new content to ensure it was just as relevant as it was when it was created. 
The programme ran with the ‘baseline’ content of 3 sprints over 9 months. It utilised successful content and methodologies from previous years as well as introducing new ones. Excitingly, it was in 2022 that the programme moved to a blended format, after years of being fully virtual.
After 9 months of learning, the International Future Leaders (IFL) team developed exponentially. Bursting with excitement and enthusiasm for what was next in their careers, the Adecco Group were looking for a final "sprint" to support them in their next steps. Here is where Excel stepped in to partner.
Excel delivered the final "sprint" of the IFL programme, a 2-module workshop titled "The Leader I Want To Be" that provided them with the final tools needed to really implement their learning and even more critically, an action plan for how to achieve their visions. ‘The Leader I Want To Be’ module was a bespoke programme, designed for the team that had gone through the IFL journey, injecting energy into the future planning and wrapping up everything they had learnt into one actionable plan.
It received great feedback and was overall a very successful way to end the International Future Leaders Programme.

What Were The Results?

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'My facilitator was effective' - 96%

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'The content was relevant' - 94%

What Did Our Clients Say?

I’ve collaborated with Excel Communication in the context of The Adecco Group's leadership development programme for early-career talents (International Future Leaders). They have been exceptionally supportive, taking the time to understand our needs through numerous calls and creating high-quality, customised sessions. Their punctuality, precision, and guidance ensured I felt well taken care of throughout the process.

Kaitlin Marshall - Leadership Development Manager

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To find out more about The Adecco Group, click the name below:



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