Our management development programmes will develop your critical day-to-day people management skills whether you’re an experienced people manager, starting in your first team lead role or an aspiring manager with an eye to promotion.
You can pick a unique management task and we can create an engaging workshop just focused on that. Alternatively, select a basket of skills and we’ll build a management programme just for you, your people and your business.
Check out how we develop the managers at Booking.com and read a bit more about how a learning and development agency can support you here.
Recruitment & Interviewing

Motivational Goal Setting

Building any great team starts with getting the right people on board for the job in hand. Which doesn’t always mean getting the best qualified or most experienced candidates.
This programme starts with the job description and competency profile. It then addresses the interview process and selecting a candidate who balances technical skills with the right attitude and personality. Diversity and inclusion is addressed as well as competing with other potential employers to onboard the best new employee.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Create a legal and comprehensive job description
- Welcome diversity and inclusion, exclude unconscious bias
- Filter applications and CV’s to shortlist the best candidates
- Establish rapport in an interview to get the best from a candidate
- Ask perceptive questions to uncover real world experience
- Make recruitment decisions based on technical and personality fit
- Sell yourself, the role and the company
- Look forward to onboarding
People and teams need to know what they are expected to deliver if they are to be effective. When goals are aligned with personal aspirations, career ambitions and values they become even more than just direction. They become motivational and energising.
This programme aligns the vision of an organisation or function, down to the goals of a team or individual contributor. Goals can be dovetailed with any organisational standards such as SMART, OKRs or BHAGs.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Define the vision at an organisational or functional level
- Set out what needs to be delivered at a team or individual level
- Welcome diversity and inclusion, exclude unconscious bias
- Create goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely
- Understand a person’s aspirations, ambitions and values
- Align goals to the needs of the individual
- Sell yourself, the role and the company
- Agree the process for reporting and review
Read more about performance management in our blog!
Creating a Feedback Culture

Performance Coaching

Maybe you just need individual contributors, managers or leaders to give a little more feedback. Or more frequent, better quality, more punctual feedback. Or you could be setting your sights higher by looking to establish a Feedback Culture across your business.
When done well feedback positively affects staff retention, bottom line results, morale and motivation. But done badly and feedback can be destructive, create suspicion and tension. The challenge is knowing what approach to use in order to get the best results, having the skill to be flexible and remaining congruent.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Recognise the five elements required to establish a feedback culture
- Reinforce great behaviours whilst helping people learn from experience
- Use a structured approach to giving powerful, constructive feedback
- Use motivating language when giving difficult feedback
- Give colleagues clear feedback in ways that lead to improved performance
- Deal with the five typical responses to feedback
Whether you are a leader, manager, sports coach or parent the skill of coaching helps you get the best out of others. When done well, coaching positively affects retention, results, morale and motivation. When done badly, the outputs are very different!
The challenge for many is having the wisdom to know what approach to use, the skill to be flexible and the rapport to be able to coach others and provide meaningful feedback. Our coaching programmes have helped transform potential into performance for over 30 years
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Assess their coaching capability
- Understand the 5 barriers to performance
- Choose between directive and non-directive coaching
- Apply a structured approach to coaching
- Elegantly use precision questioning
- Listen for meaning as well as for information
- Easily uncover key motivational drivers
Building Remote Teams

Managing Change

Some teams have always been remote such as field-based sales teams. In recent years however even traditionally office-based teams have gone remote and the challenge is to maintain retention, results, morale and motivation.
This programme helps you explore which of the 5 levels of remote working is right for you. Then gives you the insights and skills to optimise your team whilst avoiding the Level 2 trap.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Identify which level of remote working is best for your business
- Plan how to move your organisation to that level
- Identify your team’s level of maturity
- Apply top tips for building a high performing remote team
- Recognise the systems that make remote teams work
Change is the only constant and its pace is accelerating. However managing change is more about managing people and their responses than the actual change itself.
This programme helps you explore the psychology of change and gives you structures and methods needed to work with people as they go through the change cycle.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Recognise that some crave change whilst others resist
- Use language that appeals to both types of people
- Understand the change curve and anticipate responses to it
- Apply this understanding to your own team
- Manage teams as they move through the House of Change
- Better manage change in an uncertain, ambiguous world
Facilitating Team Meetings

Challenging Conversations

Teams need to meet whether it is face-to-face or remotely so that they can collaborate and build connections. But team meetings can be a huge investment of time and resource and so must be productive and positive.
Whether your team is project-based, remote, functional or dysfunctional, the 4C’s structure will help balance the task and relationship elements of every team meeting.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Plan effectively and efficiently for meetings
- Create high levels of (1) Cohesion and focus in meetings
- Facilitate (2) Communication to involve and engage everyone
- Handle questions and manage audience interaction
- Move the team towards (3) Consensus on decisions
- Test team (4) Commitment to a course of action
- Apply all of these skills to face-to-face and remote meetings
Whether it is to do with performance, payroll or something more personal, managers inevitably find themselves having difficult or awkward discussions. This means managing the emotions of others as well as developing the resilience to handle the stress.
This programme touches on the psychology of challenging conversations. Plus loads of practical tools, tips and techniques to help you better cope and get more acceptable outputs more of the time.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Prepare themselves and their state, ready for the conversation
- Recognise that challenging for some isn’t challenging for all
- Know when to use personal vs. positional power
- Use a toolbox full of tips and techniques
- Handle reactions of others to the challenge
- Test team (4) Commitment to a course of action
- Gain consensus and commitment to an action plan